Around the King's Table

Our sermon podcast Around the King's Table is available on iTunes and Spotify.
Episode 74: Missions Panel

From Missions Week (2024), our panelists discuss church membership and its application to missions and a culture of missions.

Episode 73: Covenant Members of the Mount, Part 2

Pastors Brian and George tackle the second affirmation in The Mount Church's member covenant.

Episode 72: Look at the Book - Revelation 1, Part 2

Pastors Brian and George continue to look at the first chapter of John's Revelation.

Episode 71: Reflecting On All Things "Mission"

A month of Tabor Bchool addressing missiology, mission, missions? Yes, sir! Pastors Brian and George walk through some highlights and near misses during the first half of our summer wading into the depths.

Episode 70: Having As We Trust (Covenant Members, Part 1)

Pastors Brian and George kick off a new series, advancing through the Church Covenant we use here at The Mount. In this episode, we discuss the rationale behind church covenants, and dig deeply into the first paragraph of our own.

Episode 69: Look at the Book - Revelation 1, Part 1

Pastors Brian and George kick off a new series here walking through the book of Revelation!

Episode 68: On Developing an Old Testament Grasp for Reading the New Testament

Pastors Brian and George respond to a question asked during 'Tabor School' recently. As Brian walked the body through the entire Old Testament and moved into the new, the question surfaced, "How do we develop the knack for seeing the Old Testament in the New?" We don't want to chase windmills, right? We want to read well and understand what the authors intended. So how do we go about the task? Listen in as we talk intertextuality and growing in our ability to listen well to God's Word to us.

Episode 67: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 6, Part 3

Pastors Brian and George finish this first "Look at the Book" series, which looked at the first epistle to Timothy.

Episode 66: Pastoral Ministry and Encouragement (with Daniel and Peter)

Pastors Brian and George sit down for one more conversation with pastors Daniel Pelichowski and Peter Phillips to talk about pastoral ministry, encouragement and joy.

Episode 65: Coram Deo - Thoughts From Day Two

Pastors Brian and George sit down with the group at Coram Deo to discuss there takeaways from the day. As Pastor Brian mentions, it is a bit "more random", but nevertheless a profitable conversation.

Episode 64: Coram Deo - Introductions and Thoughts From Day One

Pastors Brian and George have a late-night session with Jonathan Rollins, Daniel Pelichowski, and Peter Phillips, following the first "day" of Coram Deo 2024. A great conversation with a couple of great brothers as we embark on a short week of pastoral encouragement and challenge.

Episode 63: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 6, Part 2

Pastors Brian and George continue in First Timothy.

Episode 62: Tabor School, One Month In

Pastors Brian and George reflect on how far we have progressed in our first "course" in our new discipleship series. We have been steadily progressing through the Old Testament as we lay out a biblical theology. Great teaching, great questions. And now we get to talk about what may have been missed, other themes worth considering, etc.

Episode 61: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 6, Part 1

Pastors George and Brain continue to read through the first letter from Paul to Timothy.

Episode 60: Prayer 'Tips and Tricks'

Pastors Brian and George take up questions stemming from a recent sermon preached by George.

Episode 59: Looking Forward, Looking Back

Pastors George and Brian look at Acts as a lens for approaching the new year in community.

Episode 58: Outdoing One Another With Honor

Pastors Brian and George look at the body and express our thanks to God and gratitude for the many ways the members of The Mount Church love, care for, serve one another.

Episode 57: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 5, Part 3

Pastors Brian and George finish First Timothy chapter 5, addressing the relationship between elders, Timothy, and the church.

Episode 56: The Trinity and Evangelism

On our "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" thread, we got the question:

This is something a nonbeliever brought up to me probably over a year ago, but it’s still been on my mind. We believe in one God and are commanded to only worship Him. How then can we explain the Trinity? (Any verses or thoughts would help)

Pastors Brian and George dig into this question and what it means to do theology and evangelism.

Episode 55: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 5, Part 2

Pastors George and Brian continue to work through Paul's instructions to Timothy and the church regarding widow care.

Episode 54: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 5, Part 1

Pastors Brian and George process 1 Timothy 5:1-8 with the help of former resident and current deacon, Jonathan Rollins.

Episode 53: The Discipline of Giving

Pastors Brian and George have a conversation on the spiritual discipline, the act of worship, known as giving or stewardship.

Episode 52: The Local Church and the Great Commission

Pastors Brian and George join with Jeremy Merck (FBC, Norris) and David Lyles (Connection Fellowship, Powdersville) for our Missions Week panel to talk about the relationship between the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) and the local church. A longer conversation, but a profitable one.

Episode 51: A Call To Christian Men

In light of our time so far in First Timothy, pastors Brian and George focus on men in the church.

Episode 50: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 4, Part 3

Brian and George mark the fiftieth episode of Around The King's Table by finishing up chapter four of First Timothy.

Episode 49: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 4, Part 2

Pastors George and Brian continue through the letter of 1 Timothy.

Episode 48: The Discipline of Prayer

Pastors Brian and George take up conversation on another spiritual discipline - prayer.

Episode 47: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 4, Part 1

Pastors George and Brian jump back in after a long summer break to discuss the opening verses of First Timothy 4 and godliness.

Episode 46: Look at the Book: 1 Timothy 3, Part 3

Pastors Brian and George finish working through 1 Timothy 3.

Episode 45: The Discipline of Scripture Meditation

Pastors Brian and George discuss the benefits and challenges of meditating on Scripture.

Episode 44: Rest as a Spiritual Discipline

Pastors Brian and George sit down with Meaghan Jenkins, the "deaconess of coziness", for this first episode in a series on spiritual disciplines.

Episode 43: Look at the Book - 1 Timothy 3, Part 2

Pastors George and Brian, along with deacon and resident Jonathan Rollins, continue discussing 1 Timothy 3 as Paul addresses the church office of deacon.

Episode 42: Look at the Book - 1 Timothy 3, Part 1

Pastors Brian and George sit down with deacon and resident Jonathan Rollins to discuss 1 Timothy 3. One of our longer episodes, but I think well worth the time spent.

Episode 41: Look at The Book - 1 Timothy 2, Part 2

Pastors George and Brian continue to walk through 1 Timothy 2.

Episode 40: Look at The Book - 1 Timothy 2, Part 1

Continuing in the series Look at the Book, Pastors Brian and George turn to 1 Timothy 2 as Paul urges Timothy on towards the long-term health of the church and gospel proclamation.

Episode 39: Look at the Book - 1 Timothy 1

In this episode, pastors Brian and George begin a new series, Look at the Book. Over the course of the year (or however long it takes), we will be going over the pastoral epistles (1, 2 Timothy and Titus). Subscribe, listen in, as we dig in to God's word so that we "may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15).

Episode 38: On the Purity of the Church

Pastors Brian and George discuss the purity of the church, capitalizing on one of George's recent homework assignments. This episode walks through the characteristics of the church as described in Gregg Allison's Sojourners and Strangers: The Doctrine of the Church, focusing on how a church can be more or less pure in each of those characteristics.

Episode 37: Love in Hard Places: Church Discipline

Pastors Brian and George sit down to talk church discipline, the whats, whys and hows, for the good of the church and the glory of God.

Episode 36: On College, College Life, and the Local Church

With us today to talk about college, college life, and the local church we have a bunch of students!

Episode 35: On the Long-Term Gains of Meaningful Membership (w/ Max and Coley Mangano)

Some special guests talk with Brian and George about how Christ works through faithful churches over time to grow sound, sweet, and sturdy Christians.

Episode 34: Gleaning from Three Decades of Gospel Ministry (with Johnny Touchet), Part 2

Episode 33: Gleaning from Three Decades of Gospel Ministry (with Johnny Touchet), Part 1

Episode 32: A Conversation on Bible Translation (with Dave Hare)

Pastors George and Brian sit down with Dave Hare to discuss translation and ministry in advance of Missions Week at The Mount.

Episode 31: Coming Soon! Missions Week (2022)

Missions Week at The Mount is just one week away. Pastors Brian and George discuss why Missions Week is so important and what we hope to see accomplished through it.

Episode 30: Love in Hard Places: Preaching, Part 2

George and Brian sit down with Michael Shafran, and two of the Mount's residents, Jonathan Rollins and Zach Connelly to discuss the preaching as "love in hard places."

Episode 29: Love in Hard Places: Preaching, Part 1

George and Brian sit down with Michael Shafran, and two of the Mount's residents, Jonathan Rollins and Zach Connelly to discuss the preaching as "love in hard places."

Episode 28: Reflecting on John 1-10: That You May Believe (with J&JR)

Pastors George and Brian sit down with Jonathan and Janet Rollins to look back at our progress in the Gospel of John, in preparation for jumping back into the book in the fall.

Episode 27: When Tragedy Strikes Within

Episode 26: When Tragedy Strikes Without

Episode 25: Discipling Disability

Pastors Brian and George discuss discipliship when disability is within the mix

Episode 24: Last Word: Recap of the Final T4G

Pastors Brian, George and guest resident Zach Connelly talk all things T4G (Together For The Gospel).

Episode 23: Love in Hard Places: Poise in Parenting

A conversation on the thrills, difficulties, and grace required in parenting and discipling those who are parenting.

Episode 22: Love In Hard Places: Demonstrating Love on the Front Line of Adoption

Episode 21: Love In Hard Places: Discipling Through Depression

Pastors Brian and George discuss discipling and counseling in the context of depression and anxiety. It's an important topic to grapple affecting the church's spiritual health today.

Episode 20: Love In Hard Places: Discipleship At A Snail's Pace

Episode 19: A Discussion on Discipleship, part 2

Pastors George and Brian discuss discipleship - what it is, what motivates it, and what it motivates. This is the second part of the discussion.

Episode 18: A Discussion on Discipleship, part 1

Pastors George and Brian discuss discipleship - what it is, what motivates it, and what it motivates. This is the first of a two part discussion.

Episode 17: A Conversation on Conversion

Pastors Brian and George discuss what it means to be made new in Christ. We hope you are encouraged and challenged to follow Christ more closely, and to live in deeper fellowship with his body.

Episode 16: To Permit or Not Permit Plagiarism

Pastors Brian and George (just off sabbatical) talk about plagiarism, a subject all too relevant in our day and age.

Episode 15: Lessons in Esther (with Meaghan Jenkins)

Pastors Brian and George sit down with Meaghan Jenkins for a review of Esther, following completion of The Mount's series through the Old Testament book, before a brief look ahead at the coming series on John.

Episode 14: Reflecting On Answered Prayers and Praying Anew

Pastors Brian and George talk prayer objectives from this summer, and God's faithfulness to his people.

Episode 13: Collegiate Mailbag, part 2

Pastors Brian and George answer your questions.

Episode 12: Collegiate Mailbag, part 1

Pastors Brian and George answer your questions.

Episode 11: Happy 160th, TMC! (with John and Jan Sherard)

Pastors Brian and George sit down with John and Jan Sherard to discuss the church and God's faithfulness to it.

Episode 10: Final Reflections on First Peter (with Hannah Johnson)

Episode 9 - Think About These Things - The Discipline of Shelf Control

Pastors George and Brian talk about the discipline of reading good books - including Scripture - and their summer reading plans.

Episode 8: Some Pastoral Prayer Points for the Summer

A discussion of some prayers for the church as we head into the summer and consider all God is doing at The Mount

Episode 7: Preparing To Use The Prepare

Pastors George and Brian discuss the use of PREPARE as a tool for getting ready for our time together on Sundays.

Episode 6: 5 Keys to the Church’s Essential Cruciform Fellowship

Pastors Brian and George discuss 1 Peter 3:8. We cover everything from the cross of Christ to discipleship, the good life, and what it really looks like to honor Jesus as part of a local assembly of believers, all starting with this one verse.

Episode 5: Talking the First Half of First Peter

Pastors Brian and George discuss our current progress in 1 Peter as a church, how it has impacted the body, notable passages, and themes that stand out or drew out attention.

Episode 4: What's Meant By Meaningful Membership?

Pastors Brian and George sit down to talk about meaningful membership in the local body of Christ. An encouraging conversation that takes the reality of our union with Christ and the empowering presence of the Spirit and envisions what it means to be committed disciples of Jesus in the here and now.

Episode 3: Talking Evangelism (with Corey and Meaghan Jenkins)

Pastors Brian and George have conversation on evangelism with Corey and Meaghan Jenkins.

Episode 2: What is the Gospel?

Pastors Brian and George discuss the importance of getting the gospel right, and the content of the gospel.

Episode 1: Gathering Around The King's Table

Pastors George and Brian have a short discussion on the whats and whys of this new podcast.